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How Does Trauma Informed Care Help Addiction?

Trauma can be devastating and lead to major changes in a person’s personality and makeup of their brain. Trauma-informed care can help. Someone who undergoes trauma-informed care and addiction counseling can learn positive ways of coping with traumas that are healthier than turning to drugs and alcohol. Often, those who are struggling with drugs and alcohol have experienced some form of trauma that contributes to their use of these substances. Getting the right kind of care can help treat addiction as well as begin healing traumas leading to addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol. 

What is Trauma Informed Care?

As an approach in healthcare and social services, trauma-informed care recognizes the widespread impacts of trauma on individuals’ lives. Creating a safe supportive environment that takes into account the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of trauma, trauma-informed care can help those who have experienced traumas such as physical, emotional, or verbal abuse, as well as violence or sudden loss. Any form of trauma can shape the way a person behaves or reacts during certain situations. 

Professionals who practice the trauma-informed care approach focus on the Four R’s. Realizing the impacts of trauma, recognizing signs of trauma, responding in a sensitive and emphatic manner, and resisting re-traumatizing a person by creating a safe and supportive environment for trauma processing. Trauma-informed care enables trauma survivors to regain control over their lives. 

How Does Trauma Informed Care Help Addiction?

Many people who struggle with addiction have experienced some form of trauma throughout their lives. This trauma often leads to, or contributes, to their addiction in some fashion. Trauma-informed care and addiction recovery can go hand in hand. Addiction to drugs and alcohol as a result of trauma can be difficult to overcome. Especially if the person struggling doesn’t heal the traumas that lead to addiction to begin with. This will leave the door open to returning to using drugs and alcohol as a means of coping with the traumas. Trauma-informed care can help with this cycle. Healing traumas is crucial to sustaining long-term recovery in those that are struggling.  

What are 3 Types of Trauma and How Does TIC Fix Them?

Many experiences can lead to trauma responses. However, there are three main forms of trauma that can affect a person and their ability to go about daily activities. These forms of trauma include acute, chronic, and complex traumas. Acute trauma is a result of a single incident such as a car accident, assault, or sudden loss of a loved one. Chronic trauma is a result of repeated or prolonged exposure to traumatic experiences. This can include domestic violence or abuse. Finally, complex trauma involves being exposed to multiple and varying traumatic experiences. This can include being a victim of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Any form of trauma can lead to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, as well as contribute to substance abuse or addiction problems.

Trauma informed care can help those suffering with traumas to learn a positive way of healing and growing through the traumatic experiences. TIC allows a safe and empowering environment to help nurture and foster growth and healing in those who have experienced trauma in their lifetime. Trauma informed care and addiction recovery can be possible. All it takes is reaching out for help. 

Trauma Treatment

Anyone who struggles with trauma can attest to its difficult nature. The impacts on a person’s life and overall well-being can be severe and contribute to changes in personality, mental health, and quality of life. Trauma treatment can help. Professional care is vital to helping a person heal the traumas that lead to and contribute to addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol. Often, a person recognizes there is a problem with their drug or alcohol use, and tries to stop on their own. Once the substances are removed, the trauma remains and they could easily slip back into the never-ending cycle of drinking or using drugs to cope with the traumatic experiences. 

Seeking trauma-informed care and addiction recovery can help. Beginning to heal the traumas leading to addiction is vital for success. Learning positive and productive coping skills make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling with traumas. These skills can help someone choose a different path when it comes to coping with traumas.

Healing From Trauma

Suffering from trauma is a difficult undertaking for anyone who is experiencing it. The effects of trauma on different aspects of a person’s life can be devastating. The changes in personality, effects on mental health, and the impacts on interpersonal relationships can be severe and be harmful to the individual and their loved ones. There is help available. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction influenced by trauma, Lexington Addiction Center can help. Our team of on staff professionals can help as you begin a journey to healing from trauma and addiction. Our personalized care plans can lay a foundation for a life of recovery. Call us today and begin your journey of healing.

What Is The Alcohol Detox Process Like?

The effects of alcohol on the brain and body can be extremely difficult to endure, especially alone and without proper medical care and support. The alcohol detox process can be dangerous and lead to severe complications if there is not the right kind of support and medical help available. Having the right support and care available as someone is going through the process of detoxing from alcohol is crucial for not only successfully detoxing, but also for the safety of the person who is going through it. Understanding the process and how professional help can assist in this process can help someone to make a decision to get the proper help through this process. 

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

The alcohol detox process is a complex undertaking and the effects of going through it can vary from person to person. Not everyone will experience the same symptoms at the same intensity for the same amount of time. Every person is different, and their bodies heal at different rates. So saying the alcohol detox process will last for a certain amount of days is often misleading. Some people recover from this process a lot quicker than others do.

There are many factors that play a part in how long alcohol detox takes, the symptoms being experienced, and how intense these symptoms can be. Those factors can include age, length of use, level of use, and any underlying health and mental health conditions. With this being said, there is a general timeline available that can shed some light on how long the process can take.

Usually, withdrawal and detox symptoms can begin within 6-12 hours of the last drink. Within the first 24 hours, the symptoms can spike and someone may begin to experience some more severe symptoms. Within 24-72 hours of the last drinks, these symptoms generally have peaked, and begun to level off to allow for relief from some of the more severe symptoms. There may be lingering effects that can take some time to go away, but within a week the more severe symptoms could be gone making it easier to go forward in the process. 


Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWS, is a condition that can occur weeks or months after a person stops consuming alcohol. It is characterized by severe mood swings, insomnia and increased anxiety. Signs and symptoms of PAWS can include impaired cognitive functionality, irritability, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, cravings, disturbances in sleep, pessimistic attitudes, and difficulty with social relationships. The symptoms of PAWS can make the alcohol detox process more difficult for those who are struggling. 

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can lead to dangers that could potentially be fatal. The symptoms of the alcohol detox process can include: 

  • Tremors or shakes
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • High pulse and heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle cramps and weakness
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures

These symptoms can be extremely dangerous and having proper professional care through the process of alcohol detox can help to ensure success and safety. 

How Detox Helps

Detox in terms of alcohol addiction is a process in which someone rids the body of the toxic chemicals that get introduced through addiction to alcohol. It can be uncomfortable and extremely unpleasant to endure. However, a professional detox setting can help. The alcohol detox process is best done under a professional setting in which medical monitoring and medical advice can be obtained. Undergoing therapies such as trauma therapy and holistic therapy can help those who are struggling with alcohol addiction to find relief and healing, as well as learn new and positive coping skills to help in the long run. 

What Happens in Detox

During the alcohol detox process in a professional setting, a person is able to receive medication to alleviate the unbearable symptoms of alcohol detox that often lead people back to drinking. They can also receive mental health support that can help to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety that can make it difficult to find the brighter side of life in recovery from addiction to alcohol.

Detox allows for someone to distance themselves from alcohol, while safely and effectively removing the toxic substance from the body, and begin healing physically from alcohol addiction. Having this care and support through this pivotal time can make a huge difference when it comes to safety and successful results. 

Begin Healing with Lexington Addiction Center

Alcohol dependence and addiction is a dangerous experience for anyone going through it. Withdrawal and detox symptoms can be dangerous as well. Potentially leading to seizures, blood pressure, and heart rate changes, nausea and vomiting, withdrawal from alcohol can lead to impactful health conditions that can make daily life extremely difficult to endure. If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol, we can help. Our team of professionals is available to help those who are struggling with alcohol addiction and dependence to start with a clean slate and begin the healing process that is necessary to begin a life in recovery. Call us today and begin your journey.

The Most Addictive Substances

The most addictive substances can lead to life-changing repercussions in those who use them. They can lead to addiction, mood and behavioral changes, broken relationships, and potentially life-threatening results. Using these substances can be extremely dangerous, and could potentially lead to overdose. Getting help when someone is struggling with these substances can be vital to ensuring safety and recovery.


Alcohol is one of the most addictive substances that is more commonly abused. This can be due to the legality of the substances. Many people begin using this substance as a means of having fun and socializing with friends. However, abusing this substance can lead to some severe impacts on a person’s life.

The effects that alcohol abuse can have on a person can be devastating. This can include damage to vital organ functionality, including the liver, heart, and brain. It can impair cognitive function, coordination, and judgment leading to problems for the person who is using it. 

Synthetic Opioids

The opioid epidemic across the United States is impacting countless people every day. Opioids like heroin, fentanyl, and carfentanil are leading to devastating losses in the lives of many people across the country every day.

Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid that is 10,000 times more potent than morphine, and 100 times more potent than fentanyl according to the DEA. This makes it highly addictive and extremely deadly. Overdose deaths occur every day due to synthetic opioids like carfentanil, heroin, and fentanyl


Nicotine products are another of the most addictive substances. The availability of them on every street, in almost every store, makes nicotine products like cigarettes and vaporizers easily accessible for those who are struggling with them. Cancers and other health concerns can happen as a result of using these substances. 


Stimulant drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines can be some of the most addictive substances. These drugs lead to a sense of euphoria in the users. They also lead to a false sense of confidence and heightened energy levels resulting in less need for sleep. This can lead to psychosis and issues with cognitive functionality. Using these substances can cause heightened blood pressure, rapid and unhealthy weight loss, and loss of family relationships and friendships. 

Prescription Opioids

Another of the most addictive substances are prescription opioids. These are things like Percocet, Vicodin, and Oxycontin. These drugs are used to treat pain in people who have chronic pain conditions or those who have had surgery. They bind to the opioid receptors in the brain, blocking pain signals.

With continued use, the body can build a tolerance which can lead to requiring more and more of these substances in order to achieve the desired effects. This can also lead to developing a dependence on these substances leading to severely uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal when the substances are unavailable. 

Tranquilizers Like Xylazine

Xylazine is a form of tranquilizer used in veterinary medicine for larger animals. It is not intended for human consumption, however, it is becoming increasingly common for individuals to use and abuse this substance as a means of getting high. Abusing Xylazine can cause respiratory distress, impaired motor function, and addiction. Illicit Xylazine can be unpredictable as it is unregulated and the dosage and purity is unknown. This can lead to overdose and fatality in those who are using this drug.


Inhalant drugs, such as whippets, are among the most addictive substances. Inhalant abuse is when someone is intentionally breathing in, or “huffing”, chemical vapors to achieve the mind-altering effects that they can have. This can include household items such as glue, paint thinner, and gasoline. It can also include aerosols.

These aerosols can include whippets. Whippets are small NO2 canisters containing nitrous oxide, which is generally used for its sedative and pain-relieving nature. The euphoric effects that are achieved by inhaling this drug are what lead to its abuse. Repeated use of this substance can lead to oxygen deprivation, dizziness, and unconsciousness. It can also lead to death due to inappropriate or long-term use. 


Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are among the most addictive substances. These are substances intended to treat things like anxiety, panic disorders, and insomnia. They are controlled substances only legally available through a prescription from a doctor.

However, their potential for abuse can lead to addiction and dependence resulting in severe and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when someone stops using them. The effects of benzos can include slowed motor and cognitive function, respiratory depression, falling in and out of consciousness, and even coma or death. 

Beginning to Heal

Struggling with substances can be extremely difficult for those who are experiencing addiction. These substances can lead to severe impacts to health and overall well-being in individuals who are struggling. The risks associated with these substances can be life-altering and devastating. If you or a loved one are struggling, there is help available. At Lexington Addiction Center we have a team of professionals trained to help those struggling with substances begin to heal and learn to live life without the toxic substances. Call us today and begin your journey to healing.

Oxycodone Withdrawal, Detox, and Timeline

The process of oxycodone withdrawal, detox, and timeline for this process can vary from person to person. The way a person feels the effects of detox, and how long those symptoms will go on for depends on a number of factors. It is not a one size fits all process and factors like age, usage, mental health, and overall well-being can play a factor in how detox and withdrawal will affect a person. If there is suspicion that a loved one is struggling with oxycodone abuse and addiction, encouraging them to get professional help can lead to them receiving beneficial and life-changing help in order to get better. 

Signs of Oxycodone Abuse

Watching out for the signs of oxycodone abuse in a friend or family member can be crucial to them getting better before it is too late. Knowing what these signs are, and identifying them in a loved one can make a world of difference in them beginning their recovery process. The signs to be on the lookout for include:

  • Obsession over getting and using the drug
  • Increased tolerance
  • Neglecting personal hygiene
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  •  Isolation
  • Social withdrawal
  • Financial problems
  • Stealing
  • Lying
  • Mood changes
  • Changes in behavior
  • Withdrawal symptoms

Oxycodone withdrawal, detox, and the timeline of this can be uncomfortable for a period of time. However, it is crucial to go through the process in order to find recovery from oxycodone abuse and addiction

Risks of Oxycodone Abuse

The risks of oxycodone can have long-lasting effects on someone’s life. These effects can lead to dangerous repercussions that could potentially be life-threatening. Oxycodone withdrawal, detox, and timeline of withdrawal can be dangerous if done cold turkey without being medically monitored by a professional in order to avoid complications. The risks associated with oxycodone abuse can include respiratory depression.

Because oxycodone is a central nervous system depressant, it can lead to extremely shallow breathing leading to a lack of oxygen which can be extremely dangerous. Oxygen is vital for the organs in the body to function and when it is lacking it can lead to organ damage and failure. Another risk of oxycodone abuse is constipation and gastrointestinal issues, as well as liver and kidney damage. The liver and kidneys are vital for processing and expelling toxins in the body.

When these organs are damaged it can lead to long-lasting results. Addiction is the biggest risk of oxycodone abuse. It can lead to oxycodone withdrawal and detox, and the timeline for this can be hard to endure as the process is extremely unpleasant and dangerous. 

Oxycodone Withdrawal

Withdrawal from oxycodone can be hard to do cold turkey. The symptoms associated with oxycodone withdrawal often lead people back to using the substance in order to alleviate them. Because of the impacts on a person, using oxycodone again seems to be the only option to feel better. These symptoms can include nausea and vomiting, muscle aches and cramps, depression, and anxiety among other symptoms.

These symptoms, particularly nausea, and vomiting, can lead to some potentially dangerous side effects. The symptoms of oxycodone withdrawal could lead to lifelong and life-threatening effects and make it extremely difficult to go through daily motions. Everyone feels these symptoms at different intensities and for different lengths of time. For this reason, it is highly suggested and recommended to do this under proper medical supervision.

Oxycodone Detox

Detox from oxycodone can be a complicated process. Depending on a number of factors, the detox process can last longer than a person would expect it to. The detox timeline can vary from person to person and no one outline will cover every single person who is going through oxycodone withdrawal, detox, and timeline. 

Going through the detox process under professional monitoring is highly recommended. Being able to address any and all symptoms that can arise during the detox process not only helps to ensure safety through this process, but it also helps to ensure a person is as comfortable as possible. Going through detox and being able to have the necessary medications to help treat and alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal can help a person begin the recovery process in a positive light. This can help a person, in the long run, to maintain their recovery long term because they were able to begin the process with minimal discomfort. 

Going through oxycodone detox is the beginning of a process that leads to healing and recovery. Going through a treatment program can help promote healing. It can also help an individual learn vital and necessary coping skills. These skills help a person to combat addiction long-term.

Healing Oxycodone Addiction

Struggling with oxycodone can be an extremely dangerous situation to be in. It can lead to severe impacts on a person’s health, mental health, and overall well-being. Continued struggles with this substance can potentially lead to life-threatening consequences. If you or a loved one are struggling with oxycodone, there is help available. At Lexington Addiction Center we provide professional care for those who are struggling with this dangerous substance in order to ensure safety and recovery. Call us today and begin your journey to recovery.

Can You Get Addicted to Percocet?

Using prescription painkillers can lead to a number of different consequences. But can you get addicted to Percocet? Absolutely. Using prescription opiates, such as Percocet, can definitely lead to a physical dependence. It doesn’t take long, and once it takes over, it can be extremely difficult to break its hold on your life. The longer someone continues to take these powerful drugs, the worse it can be. Everyone’s journey through opioid addiction is different, and some have more outwardly devastating consequences, but when it comes down to it, addiction is a soul crushing experience for all who endure it, and recovery from addiction to Percocet can be a healing experience.

What is Percocet?

Percocet is a prescription drug used to treat pain. It is often prescribed to athletes who injure themselves playing sports, or after someone undergoes surgery. It was created in the early 1900s and is made of two main ingredients, acetaminophen and Oxycodone. Due to its powerful potency, it is only meant to be used short term in order to treat moderate to severe pain. However, for this reason, you can get addicted to Percocet.

What Happens When Percocet is Abuse?

Using Percocet more than prescribed, taking someone else’s prescription pills, or using them in a manner not prescribed are all ways that this drug can be abused. Now, when Percocet is abused, it can lead to dependence. When the opioid receptors are altered due to this drug, and they become accustomed to a certain amount of it, or level of stimulation, stopping the drug is highly uncomfortable and can lead to some severe withdrawal symptoms. Abusing these powerful opioids will only increase the chances of this happening.

Percocet Side Effects

Like many opioid prescription painkillers, Percocet comes with its own set of side effects. Using this drug, whether for the first time or the thousandth time, can produce some of these side effects. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Nauseah
  • Vomiting
  • Itching
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Dry mout

When using this drug, understanding that you can get addicted to Percocet is very important. If you reach the level of addiction, seeking help for the dependence is also super important.

Long-Term Effects of Percocet Addiction

Because you can get addicted to Percocet, knowing the long term side effects can help you to make a decision to seek help when the addiction takes hold. These can be extremely devastating, not only for you but your family and friends as well. Some of the long term effects of Percocet addiction can include:

  • Addiction and dependence
  • Legan problems
  • Organ damage
  • Brain damage
  • Broken relationships with family and friends
  • Loss of jobs
  • Financial problems

The most devastating and severe effect of Percocet addiction is overdose and death. With Percocet being so addictive, getting help for yourself or a loved one before the more severe consequences occur is highly suggested. Undergoing professional care and treatment for opioid addiction does not mean anything other than you are strong enough to know you need help. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms from Percocet addiction can be extremely uncomfortable, and oftentimes leads people back to using the drug in order to alleviate the symptoms they are experiencing.

Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms

Everyone experiences different symptoms when detoxing from this drug. Due to the fact that you can get addicted to Percocet, it goes without saying that there will be some pretty unpleasant symptoms associated with coming off the drug. Going through detox from Percocet alone is not suggested. Having a team of medical professionals available to monitor and assess you as you go through it can prevent some severe reactions to giving it up. Not only that, being able to address the physical and psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal is highly beneficial to successfully recovering from Percocet addiction. Some of those symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Spikes in blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Muscle pain
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Involuntary muscle movements

You do not have to go through these symptoms alone, it can be scary and it can be extremely uncomfortable. There are ways of managing these symptoms and making the process as comfortable as possible.

Help for Percocet Addiction in Lexington, KY

Addiction to prescription painkillers, like Percocet, can have a huge impact on your life. It can affect every single aspect, from family relationships, to your career, to school, and even your legal background. After all, addiction is a monster of a disease, and getting help is probably the best thing you can do. If you or a loved one are struggling with Percocet or other substances, there is help! At Lexington Addiction Center, we strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment where you can learn to live life without the substances once again.

There is hope. Contact us today to begin your journey to recovery