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Family Therapy In Lexington, KY

Addiction affects the individual in great ways. While this affects the individual, it also affects their family. Watching a loved one go through substance abuse is difficult to witness. Most families want to support but don’t know how. Or there may be a lack of understanding of the patient’s situation. In order to strengthen bonds, and heal trauma, communication needs to improve. Fortunately, we provide beneficial family therapy in Lexington, KY. Our therapists are there to assist families to communicate with one another and develop relationships as a result. Learn more about how family counseling in Lexington, KY can help you and your family today. 

a couple has family therapy in Lexington, KY

What is Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a type of talk therapy that uses therapeutic approaches to help develop family relationships and strengthen bonds. These developments will be utilized to help patients live their life without any substances. Through family therapy in Lexington, KY, patients, and their families will be able to communicate their needs, resolve conflicts, and gain support as they are guided by a therapist to talk with one another. 

Family therapy aims to help the patient as they find support in their family. As patients go through outpatient programs or finish treatment, a supportive and stable family environment is vital in continuing to live a life of sobriety. This is because recovery cannot be handled alone all the time. Patients need support from the people in their lives in order to gain confidence and stay accountable. If they do not have that support, there is a great chance of relapse if they are going through their situation with conflicts from relationships. 

At Lexington Addiction Center, we provide exceptional service for those who are going through therapy as a family. Families will also learn about addiction and ask the patient questions and start a conversation. This will provide healing for the patient as they know they are not alone in their situation. Additional conversations will also be focused on to benefit both the family and the patient in finding peace as a family.

mindfulness in addiction recovery mindfulness in addiction recovery

Contact Us

Set yourself free from the struggles of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Reach out to our treatment team in Lexington, Kentucky today.

How Does Family Therapy in Lexington, KY Work?

Family therapy in Lexington, KY allows families to confront any issues that are prominent in their relationship. Communicating about problems and finding a solution to them will help heal family relationships and maintain them. We provide regular family sessions as well as night sessions for those unable to attend during the day. Having family conversations should not be avoided. In fact, this will only damage the relationship more. 

During therapy, families will meet with their therapist to guide the conversations based on what is needed to be resolved or communicated. This will allow families to better understand what their patient is going through. Many times, people who do not go through addiction do not understand how truly damaging it is. Gaining support from a family that understands will provide healing and awareness of the situation. Addiction should not be anything to be ashamed of or hidden from family. That’s why family therapy is there to help relieve any sort of tension in the air. 

Family therapy works when both parties are wanting to benefit from it and clear the air. Families will strengthen when there is an understanding between the family and the patient. Our therapists will professionally handle and lead sessions for a comfortable and stable environment to talk about the relationship. As a result, family relationships will start to build as time goes on. Family therapy in Lexington, KY is a great way to start maintaining family relationships for support now and in the future. 

two clients in a family therapy session where one person is distraught and the other is comforting them

The Goals of Family Therapy

There are a variety of goals family therapy aims to achieve. Strengthening family relationships is the main goal of family therapy. In order to gain family support, there has to be a strong connection in the relationship. When something bad happens, the family needs to be there for each other. As a result, this will help strengthen the patient in continuing their life without substances. 

Maintaining family relationships is also very important as family relationships build. Therapists will help in teaching skills and techniques to maintain a family through difficult times. This will assist in improving relationships with patients’ parents, children, siblings, and/or spouses that wish to be a part of their life. Over time, this leads to gaining family support for the patient, which is a great achievement to receive in family therapy. 

Family therapy also aims to reduce any grief or lingering anger that might have developed because of substance use. In 2020, Kentucky has seen a 49% increase in drug overdose compared to the year prior. Part of family therapy is to find understanding and gain a clear perspective of what the patient is going through and vice versa. When there are lingering pains in family relationships, patients are more inclined to go back to substances to escape. Let us help you figure it out and assist in the conversation. Building family relations will only help in living a life of sobriety and gaining needed support. 

Benefits of Family Therapy in Lexington, KY

There are many benefits to family therapy in Lexington, KY. Our therapists will make sure each family and patient benefits from their sessions. Knowing about the benefits of family therapy will help patients understand how important it is to develop relationships for their recovery. Families will also understand how important it is to support their family members through the recovery process to achieve a better and healthier lifestyle. 

Benefits of family therapy include:

  • A better understanding of the nature of addiction
  • Becoming aware of family dynamics
  • Improving communication
  • Regaining trust
  • Sharing feelings
  • Setting boundaries
  • Developing family relationships and support

When patients go through family therapy, they will understand how important it is to keep their family in their life. Addiction is known to damage relationships. Relatives may need support with understanding a loved one with mental health disorders like depression, PTSD and OCD. However, going through family therapy will help in understanding behavior and communication. Don’t hesitate to talk to your family about addiction. The more support in your life, the easier recovery will be. 

family taking a walk together after family therapy in Lexington, KY

Begin Family Therapy in Lexington, KY Today

Whether you are dealing with drug or alcohol addiction, there are always benefits in communicating your needs to your family. Through our family counseling in Lexington, KY, we will provide the guidance you and your family need to improve relationships and talk about addiction. With an understanding from both sides, there will be a supportive and stable relationship to offer support during the recovery process. It’s important to maintain family, and that’s why we want to help. Our therapists will assist you and your family based on what needs to be addressed and resolved. Contact us today to learn more. 

Contact Us

Set yourself free from the struggles of addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Reach out to our treatment team in Lexington, Kentucky today.