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OCD and False Memories: Causes, Signs, and Treatment

It is common for someone who is struggling to experience OCD and false memories together. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition characterized by persistent and unwanted thoughts (or obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental actions (compulsions).

The individual feels they must perform these actions to alleviate stress or anxiety. Often, those with OCD tend to have intrusive doubts, causing them to question whether their memories are real or not.

What Causes False Memories in OCD?

OCD is characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts. It is also characterized by high anxiety. Due to these unwanted thoughts, someone may question whether their memories occurred as they remembered them.

They may also begin to experience a need for certainty or validation in these memories, causing them to overthink and overanalyze the memories. This over analyzation can cause their recollections to become distorted and reinforce, or create false memories. 

Examples of False Memories and OCD

False memory OCD often revolves around common fears that may be associated with the condition. This can include someone thinking they accidentally hit someone with their car, despite having no recollection of the event. Even after checking for signs of an accident, they may have persistent, unrelenting thoughts and doubts which can create a false memory.

Contamination fears, or mysophobia, are also common culprits. Someone may believe a surface is contaminated although they have already thoroughly cleaned and disinfected the area. OCD and false memories occur because the persistent doubt creeps in and the individual questions whether they have done everything they can to decontaminate the area. 

Do False Memories Improve with Treatment?

Mental health treatment has improved in leaps and bounds. Professional treatment allows individuals to learn and implement healthy coping skills that can help them live with the condition. These skills help to minimize the impacts that OCD and false memories can have on them, improving their quality of life.

Different therapeutic approaches can aid in helping the person struggling to learn how to get through the feelings and emotions, as well as the characteristic symptoms, without overly distressing them. Medications can help alleviate symptoms and provide relief in combination with therapy. Certain medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) help to balance serotonin in the brain, leading to relief from symptoms of the condition. 

How to Recognize OCD False Memory

Recognizing signs of OCD and false memories helps to minimize the impact of the condition on the individual. These false memories occur as a result of intrusive and persistent thoughts and doubts surrounding a memory. This is a key sign to look out for as they are generally catalysts.

Recognizing the potential signs can help in getting proper care to prevent worsening, creating a space where the individual can begin healing to thrive. 

Common Signs

Identifying signs of potential ocd and false memories can help with early intervention. Common signs include excessive doubt, compulsive behaviors such as checking and cleaning, unrealistic scenarios, emotional distress, and inconsistent details. If these signs are prominent, seeking professional care and support can help alleviate some of them.

False memory OCD can be managed with a combination of therapy and medication. Leaving the condition untreated can only exacerbate the symptoms, making it worse for the individual. Proper care and support are crucial to prevent worsening and complications from the condition. 

Treatment and Therapy

Mental health treatment and therapy can help someone learn new and positive skills to help them cope with daily stressors and triggers that could lead to exacerbated symptoms. Therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, specifically the subtype of Exposure and Response Prevention, help the individual struggling with this condition to avoid compulsive reactions.

This is done by gradually exposing someone to anxiety-provoking thoughts or situations and preventing the compulsive responses. Over time, ERP helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of the obsessive or intrusive thoughts, and the related compulsions.

Holistic Treatments

Treatment also allows the individual to begin practicing mindfulness practices. Holistic therapies such as meditation can help them to stay present, focusing on things other than obsessions and compulsions. OCD and false memories may call for extended therapy, outside of the traditional treatment setting. It is crucial to see the process through and continue therapy to the end to ensure all necessary tools and skills are accessed.

Recovery is a lifelong process and it is not linear. Some people may find relief sooner than others, and it is not a reflection on the individual. Everyone heals differently, at varying paces. It is important to keep this in mind throughout the process. 

Connect With Compassionate Treatment Professionals

Mental health struggles can lead to lasting impacts on an individual and their life. OCD is no exception, and false memories can make overcoming the struggles of the condition more difficult. Having compassionate and knowledgeable professionals who can help guide the individual through the process can help.

If you or a loved one are struggling with OCD, we can help. At Lexington Addiction Center we provide an environment that promotes the healing process, with mental health professionals who can help guide you through it.

Call us today to begin your journey.


The Connection Between Bipolar Disorder and Alcoholism

Bipolar disorder and alcoholism can go hand in hand. Oftentimes, individuals with undiagnosed, or even diagnosed bipolar disorder turn to alcohol as a means of coping with and self-medicating the symptoms of the condition.

They are more likely than not unaware of the risks of this practice. Leading to severe impacts in all aspects of their life, these individuals end up with more complications had alcohol not been a factor. 

Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2

Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 are both considered to be mood disorders. Both are characterized by mood instability, with depressive states that consist of extreme sadness, loss of interest, and changes in sleep and/or appetite. However, it is crucial to note that Bipolar 1 and 2 are very different conditions, despite the similarities.

Bipolar 1 consists of manic episodes lasting 7 days or requiring hospitalization. The manic episodes are often accompanied by depressive episodes. Bipolar 2, on the other hand, is characterized by hypomanic episodes and depressive states; however, there are no full-blown manic episodes.

Overall, bipolar 1 has more severe and impairing manic episodes, while Bipolar 2 has hypomanic episodes that are less severe and can be perceived as being positive. Both conditions are treatable under professional care, and medications and therapy can help manage them.

Bipolar 2 and Alcohol Abuse

Bipolar 2 is a treatable condition when under the care of mental health professionals. However, individuals often struggle with this condition and are unaware of its existence. This can lead to unsettling symptoms, and turning to substances to cope with depressive states. The practice of drinking, in itself, can be dangerous.

When Bipolar 2 is left undiagnosed, and individuals begin drinking to cope, it can lead to them struggling with bipolar disorder and alcoholism, together. These conditions often co-occur with one another, complicating both conditions. While alcohol can seemingly provide relief from mania and depression, it can exacerbate the symptoms. As a result, this can lead to heavier drinking. 

Signs of Undiagnosed Bipolar Disorders

Many different signs could be indicative of undiagnosed bipolar disorders. These symptoms could be more obvious, or more subtle. However, those who exhibit symptoms should be seen by a mental health professional to prevent complications of the condition. Some symptoms can include extreme mood swings consisting of high highs (mania) and low lows (depression).

There may be periods of racing thoughts, high energy, and impulsivity during manic episodes that are followed by a sense of sadness, loss of interest, and fatigue during depressive episodes. Those exhibiting symptoms should seek professional help as soon as possible to prevent struggling with bipolar disorder and alcoholism. 

Can Drug and Alcohol Abuse Cause Bipolar Disorders?

There is no evidence to suggest that drugs and alcohol cause bipolar disorder. However, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that these substances can lead to the onset of bipolar that may not have manifested itself fully yet. There is also evidence that these drugs and alcohol can exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar.

Additionally, there is evidence that substances can increase the risk of developing addictions in those who are predisposed and struggling with bipolar. Bipolar disorder and alcoholism can go hand in hand, and it is fairly common for someone who is struggling with alcohol to suffer from mental health conditions like bipolar disorder. 

Which Comes First—Alcohol Abuse or Bipolar Disorders?

There is a complex relationship between bipolar disorder and alcoholism. Some cases show that alcohol abuse occurs as a means of self-medication and coping with the highs and lows of bipolar disorders, and in other cases, alcohol abuse can cause the symptoms of bipolar disorders to become more prevalent.

It can trigger the mood changes that characterize bipolar, and lead to severe challenges in the individual’s life. Having an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan can make a difference in the outcome of struggling with these conditions. 


Treatment for bipolar disorder and alcoholism can be helpful in the individual being able to maintain their life, with minimal impact. Both alcoholism and bipolar can make life extremely difficult, and without proper treatment, the impacts can only become greater. Dual diagnosis treatment can make a world of difference in the trajectory of an individual’s life who is struggling with substances and mental health. 

Lithium for Bipolar Disorder

Lithium is a mood stabilizer that is a cornerstone in bipolar treatment. It is highly effective for managing mood swings and helping to prevent relapses in bipolar disorder. The drug helps reduce the frequency and severity of manic and depressive episodes that make up bipolar disorders. It is vital to monitor lithium levels in the blood while on this medication to gauge its effectiveness and prevent side effects. 

Trauma Therapy

Many individuals who have struggled with mental health and substance abuse have experienced some kind of trauma in their lifetime. These may play a role in these conditions. Trauma therapy has the goal of helping these individuals to begin facing and healing from these traumas. As a result, they can gain control of their lives again.

Trauma has a profound impact on the human brain, and responses to trauma can be devastating. Having proper care can help to reduce its impact, making life easier.  

Begin Healing Today

Bipolar disorders are a life-altering diagnosis. If left untreated, there can be devastating results including alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction is another severe condition that can impact a person’s physical and emotional health. If you or a loved one have found yourself struggling, there is help available.

At Lexington Addiction Center we strive to provide the best care for individuals struggling with mental health conditions like bipolar disorder, as well as addictions like alcoholism.

Call us today and begin your journey of healing. 


Group or Individual Therapy: Which is Best?

Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, can occur in different forms. Group therapy and individual therapy are the two main types that can help an individual learn the positive coping skills that are necessary to live a healthy life. 

But which one is best? The answer to this question can be answered through a number of different factors. Each person’s specific needs generally take precedence, and which option is best will depend on the individual and what they aim to achieve. 

Individual Therapy Overview

Individual therapy is a form of talk therapy that takes place during a one-on-one session. A therapist can be a social worker, counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist.

During sessions, the therapist helps the individual to work through emotions and feelings that may be distressing. It helps the person to learn positive and healthy coping skills to get through situations that could potentially lead to further complications. 

Exploring Therapy Types

There are different types of techniques used during individual therapy sessions that help the person learn these skills. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that helps individuals to identify and change poor thinking that results in negative behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a form of one one-on-one therapy that helps those who feel intense emotions to get through their feelings without self-sabotage. It helps teach them how to regulate their emotions. 

Often, individuals who struggle with substance use disorders have experienced some form of trauma in their lives. Whether it be physical or emotional abuse, or the sudden loss of a loved one, trauma can lead to severe impacts to someone’s life. Trauma therapy is a beneficial form of therapy for individuals who have experienced these situations. 

Group Therapy Overview

Group therapy can be beneficial to individuals who feel like they are alone. They provide a space to become educated on healthier ways of handling situational stress. Rather than turning to drugs and alcohol, the experience of peers in a group setting can help the individual to avoid these substances as they arise.

CBT and DBT are techniques that are often used during group sessions. These techniques help to provide group insights into how distressing situations can be handled, healthily, without further impacts to the individual’s lifestyle. 

Family therapy is a beneficial form of group therapy. This helps in situations where the family unit has been compromised. Often, when a loved one struggles with substance abuse and addiction, their actions can take a toll on the structure of the family. These individuals may feel like they’ve caused irreparable damage. However, a group family session can aid in preventing further damage, and help to heal the damage that has occurred.

Individual Therapy Costs

Individual therapy costs can vary greatly. Factors like location, credentials, and therapeutic approach can play a role in the cost of this much-needed help. The cost of individual sessions with a professional therapist can range from $75 to $200 or, sometimes, more. Sometimes, insurance can offset the costs associated with professional therapy. Other times, when insurance isn’t available, there are sliding scales that help offset some of the out-of-pocket costs. 

Group Therapy Costs

Similarly to individual sessions, group therapy costs can vary widely. Location, approach, qualifications, and the focus of the group sessions can play a role in the costs. Generally speaking, though, these sessions can cost between $30-$100 per session, sometimes more.

Again, insurance can help offset these costs, and sliding scales can also help to offset the out-of-pocket costs. These sessions are less personal, with more people, contributing to the lower cost.

Pros and Cons of Individual Therapy

Because individual therapy occurs on a one-on-one basis, the benefits can include the ability to explore deeply personal issues, with a professional, who can help guide an individual through the emotions that can arise. Focused attention provides the ability to create quicker progress.

However, the downside to this personalized attention is the cost. The success of this form of therapy depends on the dynamics and connection between the individual and their therapist. Having someone that can be connected with helps to make the individual feel comfortable enough to get into their deeper feelings and emotions.

Pros and Cons of Group Therapy

Group therapy can offer a form of connection with people who are experiencing similar struggles. It can provide a safe and neutral space to get guidance from others who have undergone a similar circumstance.

However, because it is a group setting, it can be more uncomfortable to share the situation. Those who struggle with drugs and alcohol place themselves in compromising situations that may be difficult to discuss in these settings. 

Find Therapy Today

Therapy is a vital component of the healing process. Individuals who struggle with substance abuse or mental health conditions often need to invest time in themselves and participate in a therapy program.

Individual or group therapy depends on the individual and their needs. If you or a loved one are struggling and need extra help, Lexington Addiction Center is available. We offer help to those individuals who find themselves struggling so that they can begin on a path to recovery.

Call us today and begin your journey to a better life.

Veterans and Addiction

There are a unique set of challenges faced by veterans and addiction is one of them. Oftentimes, service members, especially active duty, tend to turn to drugs and alcohol as a means of coping. Many of these individuals have fought battles that result in conditions like PTSD.

Addiction doesn’t discriminate and it can affect anyone, at any time. Veterans, unfortunately, are not immune to this condition. Finding the right help can make a world of difference in these veterans’ lives, allowing them to live a healthier and productive lifestyle without using substances to cope.

An Overview of Veteran Addiction

The different branches of the armed forces all help to keep this country safe and free. They go into situations, without a second thought, to defend and protect the United States. Many individuals who are serving or have served in the military struggle with substances.

Veterans and addiction often go hand in hand. Due to their experiences, active duty and retired military personnel run a risk of using drugs and alcohol, resulting in dependence and addiction. 

Risk Factors of Veteran Addiction

Different factors can play a role in veterans and addiction. Often, veterans have seen man-to-man combat, which can have devastating results. Injury and loss of friends due to combat can play a role in a veteran turning to these substances to mask or relieve some of the feelings they experience.

Injury, in particular, can play a huge role in a veteran struggling with substances. Injuries that are incurred during a military tour can be severe. These injuries can result in being given prescription medications to manage pain.

Even when taken as prescribed, pain medications like opiates can result in physical dependence, impacting the individual’s overall well-being. PTSD can also be a result of the work that veterans do for the country daily. Many men and women in the armed forces come home struggling mentally, and without the proper care, this condition can severely impact their lives.

Veterans and Addiction and PTSD: Symptoms

PTSD is a condition that many servicemen and women struggle with. It occurs after witnessing or experiencing war or other tragic or traumatic events. PTSD can severely impact veterans and addiction can be an outcome. Some symptoms that could be indicative of PTSD include flashbacks, memory problems, hopelessness, relationship issues, aggression, and self-destructive behaviors.

The symptoms can arise when a situation, sound, or even a scent triggers memories of the traumatic event. Having proper care and support to manage these symptoms can help the individual to prevent severe impacts to their daily life.

Veteran Addiction Treatment

Healing is a critical component of veterans and addiction treatment. With healing, the individual can begin learning positive coping skills to get through the stressors and not turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.

Addiction treatment for veterans can be beneficial for these individuals to regain control and achieve long-term abstinence from substances. Therapies can be a positive plan of action when it comes to treating conditions like addiction and PTSD. 

Co-Occurring Disorders and Addiction

Co-occurring disorders that often go hand in hand with addiction can complicate the outcomes. Often, veterans are struggling with co-occurring disorders like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Veterans and addiction to substances can occur when the individual is trying to cope with the symptoms of an underlying condition that may or may not be diagnosed. A dual diagnosis is when an individual has coexisting mental health and substance use disorders, and treating both conditions simultaneously can aid in creating a path to a healthy lifestyle.

Signs of Veteran Addiction

Many signs can be indicative of a veteran potentially struggling with addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol. Being aware of the situation, and what to look out for can help to ensure that the individual can receive much-needed care to prevent further impact to their life.

Signs to look out for can include:

  • Excessive drinking or inability to control drinking
  • Using drugs and alcohol despite negative consequences
  • Drinking or using drugs to cope
  • Isolation to use/drink
  • Mood swings
  • Secrecy or lying surrounding drinking or drug use
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work or home
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Excessive weight loss or gain
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Trouble with quitting or slowing down

If any of these symptoms are exhibited, consulting a professional is strongly recommended in order to address the problem and prevent complications.


Treatment is available for veterans and addiction can be overcome. Veterans who find themselves struggling with substances can overcome the physical dependency, and learn positive coping skills for achieving long-term abstinence.

Treatment begins with removing the substances from the body, and from there, the therapies used in addiction treatment can help the individual to obtain the necessary life skills for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

Trauma therapy is a common approach for individuals who have served in the military and struggle with PTSD. Working through the trauma and the feelings of guilt and shame is a crucial part of recovery and learning to live day to day without turning to substances to cope. 

Healing is Possible

Struggling with addiction is a challenge that many veterans face daily. The struggles that veterans endure as a result of active duty play a role in their susceptibility to addiction. Many never receive the help they need. If you or a loved one are a struggling veteran, there is help available. At Lexington Addiction Center, we offer care for individuals who have found themselves struggling, including veterans.

Reach out today and begin the healing process. 

Trauma Therapy: Benefits, Goals, and Purpose

Trauma-focused therapy, or trauma therapy, is geared toward individuals who have had traumatic experiences in their lives and experience negative results due to the experiences. But what is “trauma” and why does it affect people the way it does? Trauma can negatively impact a person’s emotional well-being and mental health in ways that can lead to long-lasting, dangerous results. Healing is a crucial part of overcoming it. Understanding trauma is beneficial to begin the healing process. Healing is a crucial and necessary part to developing a healthy and productive life after trauma. 

Understanding Trauma: Definition and Types

Trauma can be defined as any event that is distressing or disturbing. Not everyone will react to trauma in the same way, though. Some people can experience traumas and continue on their path of life. Others have more intense and life altering reactions. Examples of events that can be considered trauma include car accidents, witnessing violence, being a victim of physical or sexual assault, neglect, or the sudden death of a loved one.

These events can evoke a reaction in people that can lead to changes in their reactions to perceived threats. This can include developing phobias, trust issues, and substance abuse issues. For example, those who have been in car accidents could fear driving or riding in a car. Another example is combat veterans who have severe reactions to loud noises such as fireworks. 

Trauma Therapy and Addiction

It is common for those struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol to have experienced some type of trauma in their lifetime. Whether this be sexual abuse, childhood neglect, or parents fighting a lot those who struggle with addiction stemming from trauma can benefit from trauma-focused therapy. This form of therapy is focused on healing the brain and body’s reactions to stressful or distressing situations. It aims to change the thought processes that lead to substance abuse into more positive and productive thoughts. 

Mental Health and Trauma Therapy

Trauma can affect a person’s mental health. Developing conditions such as depression and anxiety can result from traumatic experiences. Trauma therapy can help when it comes to coping with these conditions. Mental health is a contributing factor when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction. PTSD and other panic disorders can result from experiencing trauma. These conditions often require in depth professional care to begin the process of overcoming trauma. Having proper support that can promote trauma healing can help to prevent more severe results from trauma. 

What are the Benefits?

Trauma therapy is a beneficial form of therapy for those who have adverse reactions due to trauma. It helps by addressing negative thought processes surrounding perceived dangers, and helping the individual to turn to more positive thoughts to self soothe through the situation. It can help to reduce fears and avoidance caused by trauma, improve coping skills, and build trust. It can also help to change belief systems that lead to negative coping skills.

An important part of trauma therapy is validating their experience. Trauma therapy provides this validation that lets individuals know that their experience warrants a reaction, and also helps them to find a more positive reaction to these situations. 

Goals and Purpose

Understanding the goals and purpose of trauma therapy can help someone to seek this much needed help. The main goal of this therapy is to promote healing, as well as implement positive coping mechanisms into the lives of individuals who are struggling. This is to prevent further impacts to their life and help put them on the road to a more positive and productive lifestyle. Therapy can benefit anyone, and those who struggle with trauma are no different.

Having this positive and productive support as a person begins a journey of healing can help them to learn and initiate positive thoughts as trauma reactions begin. Instead of fearing and avoiding situations, a person can participate and enjoy them once they have learned these coping skills.

Trauma and the Need for Healing

Anyone who has suffered a traumatic experience can attest to the severe impacts that it can have on someone’s life. It is crucial and necessary to begin healing and teaching the brain positive ways of coping and dealing with stressors that could lead to negative reactions. Trauma therapy offers a way to begin this process. Healing isn’t linear, and it takes work. However, therapy can help make the process easier and smoother. The effects of trauma can be severe, and may require in depth work to overcome, and working with a professional who is trained to help is a vital component to healing. 

Healing Trauma with Therapy

Trauma can be life-changing. It can lead to unhealthy coping skills and often contributes to addiction in individuals who have experienced trauma. Healing is crucial to overcoming adverse reactions to trauma. If you or a loved one are struggling with trauma, we can help. At Lexington Addiction Center we offer trauma therapy for those individuals who need help and support as they begin their healing journey. Reach out today and begin benefitting from trauma therapy.

Is Addiction Hereditary?

Whether addiction is hereditary has been a commonly asked question over the years. There’s been studies on the subject, there’s been statistics released, and still the question remains. Is addiction hereditary? The short answer is yes, addiction has been linked to genetics. It wasn’t until the beginning of the 20th century that addiction was even recognized as a disease. Now, the thought process surrounding addiction is still ever changing. Understanding the link between genetics and addiction is vital for those who have suffered with substance abuse and for those who have loved ones who have.

Understanding Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is a monster that can be difficult to beat. In many cases, people turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with situational feelings, and end up not being able to stop drinking and drugging. This is because the brain and body become dependent on the substances. When this happens, it can be hard to break that cycle. Oftentimes people need to seek professional help in order to end drug addiction and alcohol addiction. Other times, they continue to use drugs and alcohol and end up with some severe physical and emotional consequences. No matter the situation, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease and the question can be asked, is addiction hereditary?

Is Addiction Hereditary?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, there is a link between genes and DNA and your susceptibility to drug and alcohol addiction. They say that about half of it can be hereditary. While there is a link to genetics, addiction is more complicated than that. Just because there is a genetic predisposition to developing a substance abuse problem, does not mean it is a definite thing that’s going to happen in your life. It just means that you are more prone to developing a substance abuse problem. On the flip side, just because you do not have a predisposition does not mean you won’t. Addiction does not discriminate, and anyone can be affected.

To see how addiction can be viewed as hereditary, there are studies that show differences in dopamine in the brain. Higher levels of dopamine can cause poor impulse control, and lower inhibitions toward substance use. Dopamine is viewed as the reward center in the brain, responsible for feeling pleasure. So, when it gets affected by drug and alcohol use, it can make it easier to continue to turn to drugs and alcohol for a sense of pleasure.

Other Factors Contributing to Addiction

Even though it is said that addiction is hereditary, there are other factors that can be attributed to addiction. As previously stated, anyone can be affected by addiction. It is a disease of the mind and the body. There is a physical dependence, and a mental craving associated with drug and alcohol addiction. Knowing other factors, other than addiction being hereditary can help to avoid or identify substance abuse problems.


Trauma can be a main factor for substance abuse problems. Traumatic events happening in life, whether in early childhood, adolescence or adulthood, can harm a person psychologically. It can cause flashbacks and anxiety so severe that, seemingly, the only way to feel any relief is to self medicate with drugs and alcohol. This can lead to dangerous consequences. Being that studies show addiction is hereditary, those with a predisposition to substance abuse have a higher risk of turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with traumas.


The link between drug and alcohol abuse and environment can easily be seen. Oftentimes, children who grow up in homes where there is substance abuse, physical or emotional abuse, or neglect are often seen to begin using drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with their feelings surrounding their upbringing. Whether addiction is hereditary or not can also play a role in the environment affecting someone’s use of drugs and alcohol to cope.

How You Can Help

Regardless of the situation, there is help. Drugs and alcohol can drastically change a person’s behavior and personality. If you have suffered from addiction, the best thing you can do is be open with your family about it. It can help them to be more aware of their possible predisposition to drug and alcohol abuse. If cancer or diabetes ran in your family, you would do everything you can to warn the others in your family of the risks of developing these diseases, right? Think of it that way. Warning them could help to keep them healthy.

Finding Help for Addiction in Lexington, KY

Drug and alcohol addiction is a beast and affects all aspects of the addict or alcoholic’s life. It can take the most functional person and turn them into a monster. If you or a loved one are struggling with drugs or alcohol, there is help for you out there. We at Lexington Addiction Center can help guide you through the early stages of getting clean and sober, and help you to learn to live a life free from drug and alcohol addiction. Contact us today and let our team help you begin this process.

Childhood Trauma and Adult Addiction

There is continuing research being done on addiction. Research topics like genetics are often heard of. But what about the correlation between childhood trauma and addiction? Is there a link there? Childhood is the formative years for your sense of right and wrong, what your perception of love is, and your general reaction to situations. Having trauma occur during these years can alter the way the brain forms and functions, and this can lead to detrimental repercussions in later years, long after the trauma has occurred.

What is Childhood Trauma?

Childhood trauma is when an event occurs in childhood that can be emotionally painful to the child. The events that occur often have long lasting effects on the physical and mental well-being of the child in the long run. Having traumatic events occur during the formative years, whether a single event or repeated, can cause a child to feel they have lost all sense of control and safety. These feelings can interrupt the development of the child.

How Childhood Trauma Affects the Brain

While biology and genetics are a vital part of brain development, the brain has what is known as neuroplasticity and this means that it can change and adapt to any given situation. So when any sort of traumatic event occurs, it can lead to the brain’s make-up changing. Trauma during the early years of life, while the brain is beginning its formation, can alter the formation of the brain. This can lead to difficulty in behavioral and emotional reactions. These changes can carry on into adulthood.

Does Childhood Trauma Affect Addiction in Adulthood?

Many people who struggle with an alcohol addiction or drug addiction have experienced some kind of trauma. A lot of those traumas were experienced in childhood. Having tragic and harmful things happen during childhood and feeling that sense of losing control can cause someone to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to feel like they have gained some semblance of control. This is a false narrative, as drinking and drugging can lead to addiction and once addiction has been reached, the sense of control has been lost.

Using drugs and alcohol to cope with the feelings associated with childhood traumas is unhealthy. The link between childhood trauma and addiction can be seen by the number of addicts seeking recovery who say that the things that happened during childhood, like molestation, abuse, and neglect, led them to feeling a sense of unworthiness and not feelings wanted or loved. These feelings trigger a need for individuals to, somehow, gain those feelings. Whether it be codependence or substance dependence as a way to feel like they don’t feel that way.

The number of addicts looking to get clean and sober who cite childhood trauma as the reason for them using drugs and alcohol is staggering. It is vital to sort out and learn ways of coping with these unresolved traumas in order to curb addiction and prevent relapse once the drugs and alcohol have been removed.

Can Addiction Be Treated?

The short answer is yes. Childhood trauma and addiction are both treatable conditions. When it comes to ending the addiction, it is highly recommended to have medical supervision for various reasons. One being that there can be side effects, medically, of the drug being stopped. These are known as withdrawal symptoms. Everyone experiences withdrawals differently, and no one symptom is associated with any specific drug. There are some pretty generalized symptoms of withdrawal that can be seen across those experiencing withdrawal. Not all are necessarily seen in everyone, however most of these symptoms are associated with those ending drug and alcohol abuse:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Muscle cramps and aches
  • Restlessness
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Dehydration
  • Increase or decrease in appetite

Having medical supervision during this time can be beneficial to preventing medical events that have long lasting repercussions. Being medically monitored by professionals can allow for these blood pressure spikes to be handled. It can also help to maintain someone’s comfort during detox, medications can be dispensed to help counteract some of these extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and allow for someone to get through the detox process, and begin their journey of recovery.

Additionally, having the addiction professionals available in an inpatient setting for therapeutic purposes can help to begin the process of healing from childhood traumas and addiction traumas. Being able to turn to someone trained to help process feelings and emotions, as well as traumas can help keep someone from acting on impulse and giving up on finding recovery. There is help for both childhood trauma and addiction that may have stemmed from it.

Help for Childhood Trauma and Addiction in Lexington, KY

Trauma that stems from childhood can be extremely detrimental in the later, adulthood years. Resolving them can lead you to a healthy lifestyle. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, or have experienced childhood trauma, there is help out there. Here at Lexington Addiction Center there is hope. Contact us today and our team of professionals can help to guide you to a place of peace and serenity.